Introduction to Constitution

Sources Constitution of India broadly can be divided into 2 parts:

1) Endogenous Sources (Internal sources) 
2) Exogenous Sources (External sources)

 Endogenous Sources (Internal sources) 

Many developments during our freedom struggle also contributed in the growth, development and making of the COI . Swami Dyanand (founder of Arya Smaj ) was the first who coined the term "Swaraj ". He gave the slogan India for indians.This slogan serve as antidote for the depressed Indian Community .
[ Swaraj is a vedic word meant Self Rule ]
 Bankim Chandra Chattoupadhyay  published novel Anandmath in 1882, the novel is known as bible of Bengali Nationalism . It is also the souse of National song Vande Mataram (I worship my Motherland for she truly is my mother) ,it first sung in 1896 during the conference of INC in Calcutta .
[Bankim Chandra Chattoupadhyay also wrote Durgesh Nandini.]

INC in 1905 in varanasi session  headed by Gopal krishan Gokhle , adopted "Swaraj " first time from its political platform .
[M.K.Gandhi regarded Gopal krishan Gokhle as his political Guru].
[Gurudev Rabindranath tagore author of Getanjali describe M.K.Gandhi as Mahatma].
[Subhash Chandra Bose coined  M.K.Gandhi as Father of Nation].

In year 1907  Madam Bhikaji Cama in Stuttgart , Germany along with Sardar singh Rana became first one to unfurl tricolour.

Gurudev Rabindranath tagore written famous "Morning song of India " Tagore composed the song in 1911 for the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress, during the occasion of the visit by King George V and Queen Mary to India. 1st stanza of this includes "Jana Gana Maan " the National anthem of India .It was first recited on 27th dec 1911 in Calcutta session of INC by Devrani Chaudhary . It describes 12 geographical divisions of India . Full version is of 52 sec and military version is of 24 sec adopted by the constituent assembly on behalf of People of India on 24 Jan 1950 along with national song.

INC in 1918 in its Bombay session first time adopted Fundamental Rights for Citizens.

On 31st Dec 1929 in Lahore session of INC presided by pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru on the left bank of river Ravi , INC substituted  the word "Swaraj" with "Pooran Swaraj" meant Complete Independence in 1st article of Constitution of INC.On 26 jan 1930 INC observed 1st Independence Day and thats why 26 jan is celebrated as Republic day and COI came into effect on this day in ear 1950.

In Karanchi session of INC in year 1931 , presided by Valabh Bhai Patel [known as Iron Man of India also known as Bismark of India] ,INC adopted 4 resolutions 
(a) Fundamental Rights
(b) Fundamental Duties
(c) Directive Principles
(d) Economic Duties

Note : the rest will be updated shortly.

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